The modern coach is always on the look out for the latest information and podcasts are an efficient and easily accessible way for coaches to build their knowledge, be exposed to new concepts and hear the thoughts of leading coaches from around the world.
Australian coaches are internationally respected and in recent times, numerous local play callers have featured on podcasts locally and from the United States. Here we look at a range of podcasts featuring Australian coaches.
"The Basketball Podcast" is a popular pod with Australian coaches. Presented by respected player and coach development expert Chris Oliver, a number of Australian coaches have featured over the last few years, covering a wide variety of skill, concept, tactical and leadership areas.
Coaches who have featured on the pod including Sandy Brondello, David Herbert, John Rillie, Adam Forde, Jacob Jackomas, Cody Royle, Dean Vickerman.
Closer to home, the Building Better Basketball pod is a Basketball Australia initiative and is hosted by Neil Gray. The pod covers a wide sphere of coaching, leadership and philosophical areas and has featured a range of Australian and international guests. including Dee Butler, Fleur McIntyre, Jenni Screen, Mel Downer and international player development expert Alex Sarama to name a few.
The Basketball Victoria "Talking Split" pod is another hugely popular and valuable coaching resource for coaches at all levels of the sport. Hosted by respected coach developer Rob Coulter, this pod focuses on supporting volunteer and junior coaches through a variety of interviews and conversations with leading development and high performance leaders.
The "Slappin Glass" pod is another popular listen for Australian coaches and has featured a host of world class coaches, including Australians Brian Goorjian, Liam Flynn, Mark Alabakov, Simon Mitchell and Aaron Fearne.
All these pods have extensive back-catalogues of outstanding episodes and are perfect for your next walk, long drive or gym session. With coaches being so time poor, podcasts are a time efficient way to learn and improve your craft.